Anyone who has spent a fair amount of time in the one sixth scale hobby will quickly find that there is an abundance of companies creating products. That being said, a lot of these newer companies are producing unlicensed figures, while the more established companies handle licenses. So when a then-unheard of company arrived with licenses on display such as Taxi Driver, Fantastic Beasts, and John Lennon under their belt, the one sixth scale community at large was shaken to its core. For this reason, we wanted to have an Interview with the Molecule8 Figure Company.
As far as we understand, there has never been another situation like this, where an unproven company comes out of the gate with a bunch of power-house licenses under their belt. With that being said, it was no surprise that a lot of collectors had their doubts, and rightfully so! There have been many companies that have swindled or misled collectors so we decided to get in touch with Molecule8’s Founder Vijay Chadha for some clarification.
The Interview
Question #1
Every collector has a passion for figures. It is something I wanted to do whole heartedly so here we are.
Vijay ChadhaQuestion #2
It is just a unique name for a toy company. The figures we produce now and in the future, will define the meaning.
Vijay Chadha
Question #3
The human body was the idea behind the design. The Mk I Endo Skeleton is stainless steel. We wanted to engineer something that could mimic the fidelity of human movement and improve on the current generation of plastic ball jointed bodies.
Vijay ChadhaQuestion #4
There was no decision to make. It’s an incredible honor to be granted the opportunity to recreate a truly great Legend such as John Lennon.
Vijay Chadha
Question #5
Being a collector myself I wanted to see faster launch turnarounds as long as the quality and the promise is not compromised.
Vijay Chadha
Question #6
K.A.KIM’s work on John Lennon tells you everything you need to know about how we feel about working with her.
Vijay Chadha
Question #7
There are some people who are a bit skeptical about a new company coming out of the gate with several big-name licenses such as Ghostbusters & Willy Wonka to name a couple; has Molecule8 in-fact procured all of these licenses?
Yes we have procured these licenses you have mentioned.
Vijay Chadha
Question #8
Please check the website there is a new license that has been added. (Mr Chadha is referring to ‘The Tick’ license added to Molecule8’s website a few days after One Sixth Society presented him with this interview)
Vijay Chadha
Question #9
I will leave that purely to your imagination.
Vijay ChadhaQuestion #10
Los Angeles, it’s a great city.
Vijay ChadhaQuestion #11
A BIG thank you for your kind support, I am personally humbled by it all and please look forward to the upcoming release of John Lennon.
Vijay ChadhaMr Chadha’s answers are obviously played close to the chest, but that is to be somewhat expected. The fact that he did respond to our inquiries says a lot to us. We were equally as curious; everything seemed too good to be true with these power-house licenses. Agreeing to do this interview was a good first step for Molecule8 to gain the Sixth Scale Communities trust. However One Sixth Society wanted to go a little further and after doing some digging we found the Incorporation Documents for Molecule8. The company was formed in October of 2015 in London. Considering that was over a year and a half ago this would have given Molecule8 plenty of time to procure these Licenses. After reviewing these documents and speaking to Vijay Chadha directly. we are feeling pretty confident that Molecule8 is the real deal. Its important to One Sixth Society that we report the most accurate and current Action Figure News out there. The sculpt shown of John Lennon, as well as the involvement of K.A. Kim speaks volumes to us. The release of the figure remains to be seen, but we hope that this brief Interview with Molecule8 helped ease some of your worries.